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Steal all wifi passwords using DigiSpark ATtiny85

The Digispark ATtiny85 is an Arduino Compatible Board with USB

The Digispark ATtiny85 is a tiny, breadboard-friendly microcontroller board based on the ATtiny85 and developed by Digistump.

It has 8K of flash, and 512 bytes of SRAM. Supported by the Arduino IDE as a hardware platform, this board can be programmed as a stand-alone microcontroller; it can also be used in conjunction with the Arduino IDE as an Arduino-compatible board or “shield”.

The USB WiFi Duck is powered by a micro-USB cable and plugs into the USB port of your computer. The duck then communicates with the computer software, where you can download all the wifi passwords, which can be pasted into any application requesting it.

Buy ATtiny85 USB Development Board On Amazon:

Installing and Configuring the IDE on Windows 11

Installing IDE for Digispark

The goal of this section is to install the Arduino IDE on Windows 11.

-First, download the software from the Arduino website.

-Open up the .zip file and extract it to any directory you want.

-Once finished extracting, open up the Arduino_IDE_1.8.19 folder that was extracted and click on “Arduino 1.8.19” to install it onto your computer.

-After installing, go to “Start” and find “Arduino 1.8.19” under “Programs” or “Applications” and double click on it to open it up as an application on your desktop screen.

Download, Extract & Install the Digistump Drivers

Download & Extract Wifi Password Stealer Program

Use this preference link :

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